Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-28 16:06:26 Massage after work Potentially very good story spoiled by being a solid block of text. Paragraphs, paragraphs, paragraphs. . . .like a fine meal - break the story down to tasty bites that can be savoured. 4/10
2012-04-29 18:27:30 In love with my 5 pedifiles Part1 I sought of guessed at the quality of this story when I saw you couldn't spell bastard in your own name, and couldn't spell pedophiles in the title - and I was right. Potentially exciting story spoiled by shit spelling. If you can't Write right - Don't write. 3/10
2012-05-10 22:36:56 9 year old adventure Same as first critic - needs more detail but good work for this anyway. 7/10
2012-05-13 17:48:53 Mine and Daddy's little secret Pure nonsense . . .Incoherent, misspelled, block of absolute garbage.
PLEASE . . .save my time and eyes and DON'T bother with any more writing. Go back to watching telly, or doing drugs or something - anything but trying to write.
2012-05-16 20:09:23 Mother Gets Hers - Part 2 Yup . . . Great stuff lad. Plenty of scope for continuation. I'm waiting
8.5/10 and +ve vote