Comments from Falconero

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-29 17:12:18 The Best Therapy ch. 07 I read the blog. Damn I feel like a fucking idiot for not realizing miniwand isn't a natural user of the English language. The punctuation, grammar, and formatting are just too good to be done by someone who has English as their native tongue because those that do usually don't give enough of a shit to use the language properly.
2015-04-04 15:42:59 She teased me one to many times .. You guys actually got the the 11 inch cock part? I stopped reading after 26C. I know it's a typo but god damn.
2015-05-01 14:27:57 Whoops, I Came In my Mom! I've seen schizophrenics scrawling shit on walls that were more coherent and organized than this. Also you lie to people right off the bat, sure it's a short story, but there is no excitement at all in the climax, which would actually mean there is no climax.
2015-04-27 15:15:30 Playing House Part 1 I really hope you continue soon. I'm really sort of jaded these days. All the updates ever seem to be are stories that are badly written, stories that are continuations of stories that I really have no interest in, and ones that are just plain boring.

I like this story. I also liked 3 Cousins, even back when you first posted it and it got deleted. That probably won't get a sequel, but I wouldn't mind it if you did.
2015-05-10 21:11:36 Tiffany and the First Jack and Jill Your formatting needs work, other than that it looks nice.