Comments from bigmix
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-06-12 21:54:25 | Getting my sister pregnant! | OH god yes please write a port two. This was so hot. 10/10 |
2011-06-21 23:18:24 | Watch out mom! | this will be a great story it just needs to use spell and grammer checks. you will get a better ratings if you rewrote and reposted it. whith the way it is right now you get a 6 out of 10. |
2011-06-23 18:50:40 | What happens on the Stag Do... | great story you jest needs a space in between the paragraphs. but i would give you a 8/10 |
2011-06-26 11:22:40 | My birthday surprise_(0) | this could be a great story it just needs some work. you need to do paragraphs and make it a bite longer even if you embellish it a little and add a bite mor detail. you kind of jumped all over the place in it slow down a little. with the way it is now i give you a 7 out of 10 with the right inprovements it could be 10 out of 10. |
2011-07-04 13:35:28 | A Cousins Christmas | It's a good story but you need to work on your paragraphs. you are all over the place in it and you are missing supporting words. this is a good first draft. just rewite with the changes to it and it will be great. hope you write a part 2 soon can't wait. |