Comments from bigmix

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-22 13:01:54 I Check Out The Checkout Girl This was one of the greatest stories that I have read on this site I can't wate to read what you come out with mext. Keep up the great writing. I give this one a ten out fo ten. This was one of the most romantic story that I have read so for hope two see one from you just as good in the future pleas keep them cumming.
2011-07-24 09:20:17 Hot Apple Pie_(0) this was a great story I hope to see a part two to this in the near future. 9 out of 10 can't wait to read what you come out with next.
2011-07-24 09:20:30 Hot Apple Pie_(0) this was a great story I hope to see a part two to this in the near future. 9 out of 10 can't wait to read what you come out with next.
2011-08-06 23:05:43 Broken Bliss Ch1 I loved this story I can wait to read the next one. I hope to see the next one soon. I give it a 9 of the 10.
2011-08-08 17:47:39 Broken Bliss CH 2 I love this story. Realy like that you movied John and them in next door. I Can't wait to see what they get in to next. I realy loved how you fucked the ex in the ass and steal throw the whore hot on the street. Great writing 10-10