Comments from Kittencat3

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-02 06:00:27 Watching Darcy Die_(0) You sick fuck, I hope you scream yourself hoarse in prison when Bubba blasts his 10" cock into your ASS, and rips you up inside.
2011-09-19 19:39:22 My Humiliation_(0) You lying FAGGOT, all your stories claim that they're "written by women" but your profile says you are a MAN! Of course that's a lie since you are nothing but a whimpering FAGGOT
2011-10-01 01:51:27 A Lesson For Liz How the hell did this overcontrived POS get 92%?

LEARN TO WRITE, you douchebag.
2011-11-05 21:43:37 Jessica\'s Number - Part 2 of 4 You ARE a SICK TWISTED CUNT. I hope your throat is raw with screaming before you're allowed to die.
2011-12-06 01:13:24 Best Sister in the World!!! Part 1 Fuck this, this is fucking LAME. A dick three inches thick is something you see on Creature Double Feature, not on human beings. GET A FUCKING CLUE you limp wristed needledick.