Comments from Kittencat3

Date Story title Comment
2012-03-10 03:59:25 She Devil - Part II Please let the next part be where she CUTS OFF HIS NASTY COCK
2012-03-10 04:01:17 She Devil - Part III He doesn't need his cock, he should be chained to a wall, have tuna smeared all over his nasty genitals, and Madam should bring in a starving dog to CHEW THOSE NASTY PARTS OFF
2012-03-10 04:04:32 Best Sister in the World!!! Part 1 (repost) Fuck you, anonymous readers
2012-03-27 03:26:30 Raping Young Matt You are destined to die in prison where you'll have to have Kotex jammed up your ass, because BUBBA WILL RAPE YOU so much in the shower that your blood will be dribbling down the back of your thigh
2012-04-03 05:16:46 Unexpected pleasure God, all the hallmarks of a lame story. Parents killed in Sudden Car Crash, check. Underage girl On The Pill To Regulate Her Period, check. Guy thinking he can guess a girl's measurements off the top of his head, check. Mary Sue guy type is an Ex Soldier, check. Guy Has Big Cock, check. Virgin Girl Has Immediate Orgasm, check.

The only difference between this shit and a bog standard Penthouse Forum letter is that Penthouse hires decent writers.