Comments from Kittencat3

Date Story title Comment
2011-12-06 01:15:26 Best Sister in the World!!! Part 1 (repost) Just as lame as the first time! Your stories couldn't give a hard-on to a lifer in prison.
2011-12-06 01:18:45 A Most Exquisite Corpse You're fucked up. Really fucked up. I hope you die in prison, from slow bleeding from repeated anal rapings.
2011-12-22 14:53:12 High School Revisted Outrageously lame even if it HADN'T been written by an illiterate. I don't think this story would give a woodie to a prison lifer.
2012-01-08 02:21:05 In My Lap On The Mower Fucking RAPIST I hope you run over your dick with the lawn mower and you die in agony knowing that you are no longer a man ... but then you never were, you sick freak
2012-01-16 07:45:21 Katie's dress is too small (corrected) I miss being fucked. I wish I hadn't kept shoving my husband away, but he left me for a younger woman.