2012-04-26 02:59:51 |
Corn Girl_(1)
How many times is this choad going to post the same story? |
2012-04-28 19:55:30 |
My sister's baby
Completely lame. This wouldn't give a stiffy to an inmate in solitary. Learn to write, you limp-dicked choad. |
2012-04-28 20:08:10 |
His Debt
This just goes to show why all men should be CASTRATED. Men use and rape women, then they come here to write lame stroke stories about it. If you are a man, do the right thing: grab a kitchen knife, a broken beer bottle, whatever ... and DESTROY THOSE NASTY TESTICLES right now! |
2012-04-28 20:11:08 |
I made a baby for my sister in law.
Hey, choad, do you think that this is Lifetime.com? Yeah, a touching story, boohoo, but where is the SEX? Fuck this, and fuck you. |
2012-06-10 20:20:35 |
11 Year Old Kasey's Beginning
You are fucking SICK. I hope when BUBBA is raping your ass in the prison shower you will understand, but by then it will be too late. You will burn in HELL for your vile and sick acts. |