Comments from Charmbrights

Date Story title Comment
2012-02-27 06:13:10 The Real Man of the House: Ch. 1 Taking the Mother Ignore them. The bad grammar fits a 14-year-old narrator perfectly.
2012-03-18 07:42:03 Executive Decision -- 6 Mixing present tense and past tense almost randomly is off-putting for the reader. Stick to past tense as this is a story, not a commentary on a football game.
2012-04-03 06:29:33 Jail Bait Please check your private messages.
2012-04-05 06:48:06 Doomsday, the day my life changed! A very good start to the story, if not in perfect English.

See the PM I sent you.
2012-04-10 08:03:57 Berry Patch Cherry Picker Chapter 6 As to age limits, they SAY no under 18, but have a look at the stories in the section called "young". It is clear that this limit is not enforced.