Comments from Charmbrights

Date Story title Comment
2018-03-14 13:02:42 The Captain's Bride I have long been an admirer of your writing, but this is brilliant!
2018-05-24 15:52:56 Mothers Just Want To See There Daughters Succeed_(7) Pay more attention to punctuation, The lack of capitals and full stops purs readers off. More comments if you write to me.
2018-06-21 19:00:21 Sold into a night mare (Part 2) I tried to send you a private message about vthis story but XNXX won't let me. Please contact me with a way to do so.
2018-07-27 15:36:56 Devil's Island CH 2 Where can I find Ch. 1, please?
2018-10-05 15:40:54 Online Slave Market (fixed) Clearly English is not your mother tongue. Go to a site which has Volunteer Editors and use one. My novels (don't buy they ase free on other sites) slope ebooks slope s_51.htm