Comments from Dizzyworks673

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-12 03:25:58 Hidden Memories(Part Six) This was an amazing story CG, don't let the fans get to you. I run into this problem all the time. I get tons of PMs and comments begging me to hurry up and get the next chapter out, then when I write a chapter I actually loved all I get is bitched at because it did go the way the fans thought it should go.

I get told I forgot my own storyline. I've been accused of steeling my own stories. (On that note my stories are copyrighted before I publish them here) or I get told I just gave up on my stories and I should just quit writing. But I wont stop I write for me and I stopped trying to please everyone.

You have tallent, if you (like me) write to relax then don't listen to the haters write for yourself and do your stories your way. I would love to read more from you sometime as I have really enjoyed your work.
2012-10-15 13:54:34 To the reader below thank you so much for your comments. I'm working on the final chapter now. This has been an honor to write for fans like yourself. I want to thank everyone for reading and support. I hope to have the last chapter out soon. I want to make the ending right so I will just ask everyone to bare with me for a little while so I can get it done best.
2012-10-15 20:09:36 To the AR below. I didn't take writing in college, that part of the story was based on my high school writing classes. Our creative writing was taught by a man who had published his own novels. I took two and a half years of his class.

I feel that I'm a better writer now than I was at age 19 definately. Wisdom and life expirence can only help with your depth of characters. TSB is based on my real life expirences, I rearanged things and changed the names but these things really happened to me, my family and the girls I dated.

As far as learning to be a great writer, you are never to young to learn. I'm still learning every day. The best thing you can do is become a member of this site and post your stories on the stories forum. The other authors there will be brutally honest with you but that's how you learn. Only through constructive critisism can we grow as a writer.

Continued above.........
2012-10-15 20:14:18 Continued from below.........

I've learned so much on the forum in the last six monthes and only hope to continue to grow. There is a great comunity of writers there that really like to help eachother and give advice.

On that note if you post your stories on the forum I would be more than happy to give you feedback so you can grow as a writer yourself. I really like to share what I've learned with new people.

Good luck in your budding writing and I wish you the bes with it.
2012-10-20 20:55:27 The Cherry Shop To the person below, thanks for the constructive criticism and thanks for being so detailed in you statement.