Comments from Dizzyworks673

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-25 11:46:50 Across the Hall Great opening chapter can't wait for part2!
2012-04-26 01:36:46 A Game of Inches - Part One. Awesome story! Well thought out and well written.
2012-04-27 17:52:24 Great catch about the note. It actually gets explained in the next Ash's Diary chapter. Nice pick up on the forshadowing.
2012-04-27 18:27:47 The Ash chapters will eventually come together with the main story again when she becomes a main character again. I just didn't want to leave out her her stories while she was away.
2012-04-29 00:48:18 To the unknown reader 4-28-12 22:52:28 to answer your question, this story is based on real events. I took things that have happened to me and spun around names, places, dates and familial relations to tell this story the way I wanted to write it.