Comments from truebutchanged

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-27 02:22:09 A Good Fucking Night Part 1 last poster. haha that is a lot for sure. but it's happened at a party of mine. there were a lot of people, and there was some left over after the whole night, but it's not as if the story hints that only the two of them would be drinking it.
However, a group of only 4 of us polished off two gallons in a night. it was a long night, with lots of mixers and food to drown it out, but it is very possible.
So consider it a challenge accepted, and I shall be back with 9 friends!
2012-07-03 10:32:17 A Good Fucking Night Part 3 Latest poster:
I know, I'm sorry about upping it. But the previous stories had 100 votes by the next night. I was tired and needed more sleep, so I figured this would give me another day or two :P

Glad you enjoy them. Hope the next part is received as well as the others
2012-07-05 11:00:06 Family Conspiracy- Chapter 2: Marci's Story Diggin the story man. very good work
2012-07-09 18:03:11 Midnight Bite_(1) good story, but you need to make it easier to read.

use paragraphs, as started before, with basic essay rules. skip lines after said paragraphs to make it easier to read. if your story is hard to read, people will lose interest no matter how good.

some grammar and spelling, but who doesn't miss a few proofreading?

it was also very detailed but a little confusing to follow, but in reality, it made the story realistic. The first person combined by the confusing bits was more like the author was actually having it happen to them.

all and all good, and if i may suggest, make another story, but from the rapists perspective, clearing up all the points discussed.
2012-07-14 21:23:50 A Good Fucking Night Part 4 hey guys! thanks for all the support. Sorry to admit, I havent began the next part yet. yes i know were at 200 votes, thing is ive been deathly ill this last week. i promise as soon as i got a clean bill of health ill bust out the next few sections, hopefully they are recieved just as kindly. thanks again