Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-28 13:23:03 DV8- The formula for sucksex good story... I look forward to reading more.
2013-03-28 13:27:20 Family Knows Best Chapter 2 Good story... No bad spelling or grammar mistakes to get in the way of a good story.

This is a good second chapter to your other story. But you may want to indent the first word of each paragraph just to make reading it a bit easier on the eyes and the mind :)
2013-03-28 23:54:33 Best Sister in the World!!! Part 2 if you still don't believe me about how big nipples can get - do a google search for "big nipples", "large nipples" or "long nipples". You'll be amazed at what sex ed books and classes DON'T tell you about. Yes, the averae nipple is about 3/8" but the key there is the use of the word AVERAGE.

The sex ed. classes teach us that the average penis is 6" long... but if you do a search, you'll find pictures of penises with lengths of 18"-24", and even one poor guy that has a 30" penis.

Just because your sex ed class says they are usually of a certain size and length doesn't mean you won't find BIGGER.
2013-03-28 14:29:54 Momma's Boy_(1) Good story..really hot.. :)
2013-03-30 00:48:23 Night Games_(2) great stoy.. too bad maria Moved away..she was .A great character, i was looking forward to reading more of her adventures!