Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2013-09-26 23:19:13 The Dogs That Started It All Hey, I have to admit liked your story and I am not into bestiality - but your descriptive text of the girl really getting into the sex was Hot :) Oh sure, there were some parts that could've been written better but despite those simingly small things, I would welcome reading more from you.
2013-10-01 00:04:03 Me and my Bro Part 2 The sexual encounter was Hot and loving, too - EXCELLENT combination!
2013-10-02 03:10:50 Gangbang Curious Good story... Flow stumbled a couple of times... Probably due to switching between characters or something.
2013-10-02 23:52:10 The obident sister This was a good idea for a story but towards the end it didn't flow well.... It read like you were forcing yourself to come up with things to say.

I know this could have been a much better story if you had more people proof-reading it for you, or even doing it yourself a few times, out loud!
2013-10-03 00:06:34 My Room, Daddy’s Room This was good... And yes, a few of those cliche phrases could have been avoided... But i am looking forward to a continuation of this story :)