Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2013-10-07 18:06:37 Hypnotherapy I really enjoyed this fantasy but I agree with the other commenters - It should have follow up chapters... I know we'd enjoy reading about his adventures with his mom and/or therapist :)
2013-10-08 10:57:51 The School Girl Pinata Good story... I'm happily surprised you're not being bombarded with anti-feminist comments :)

Some people can't distinguish between fantasy and reality.
2013-10-08 11:32:56 The School Girl Pinata - The Gangs all Here A bit short compared to the other sections.... I was really looking to see her gang-banged... but only 1 guy gets to have her in this section?
2013-10-08 11:38:37 The School Girl Pinata - The Gangs all Here BTW- Following your stories in this series was a bit confusing - you should rename your future stories using the SAME main title (FIRST) then number of your chapters, followed by any secondary title, ie.:

Little Girl Pinata - Chapter 1
Little Girl Pinata - Chapter 2: STOP THIS CRAZINESS
Little Girl Pinata - Chapter 3: The Gangs All Here!

Like I said, Really good story... although not my usual story reading material...but your writing style was very descriptive and your story flowed very, VERY well. Oh, and very important... you did make the effort to proofread your stories very well - I didn't come across any mistakes like (REALLY Bad) misspellings that I've seen in voilent genre stories like yours. Keep it up!
2013-10-09 11:49:25 Happy Mothers Day! -2 I have to disagree... it was a well thought out story, even though the subject matter isn't to everyone's taste - if you read this story, then you must have been looking for "forced sex".... IT was clearly labeled, and you shouldn't come down on the author for his choice of subjects.

Clearly, he cross a line for you but you are all adults and should respect the tags. I must admit, it crossed a few lines for me but I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't poorly written as many stories on here tend to be, "forced sex" stories aren't always what the reader wants but without summaries on these story listings, you have to take your chances on picking a story.

I say, push for having summaries of the stories along with TAGS and titles on this website, perhaps then you can stay away from stories you find more than MERELY objectionable, and I will too.

Once again, GOOD STORY... even though it wasn't a story type I'd normally read!