Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2013-10-17 11:51:34 Breaking Sara Wow.. for a bondage/rape/torture story it was very, Very good.. it reads as real as if someone actually did tis to a woman. This isn't my usual choice for stories BUT I would read it again and any other sequels you write!
2013-10-24 16:55:06 The Curious Adventures of Miguel and Antonio_(0) I liked your story... it was well written and actually read rather easily.

If no one else will say it, I will - It deserves new chapters in the continuing saga of Miguel and Antonio.... but keep the ages above pre-teen or don't mention ages if they're young characters, or you could face the wrath of the SySops :)

I look forward to reading more stories from you.
2013-10-24 16:57:54 The Curious Adventures of Miguel and Antonio_(1) I liked your story... it was well written and actually read rather easily.

If no one else will say it, I will - It deserves new chapters in the continuing saga of Miguel and Antonio.... but keep the ages above pre-teen or don't mention ages if they're young characters, or you could face the wrath of the SySops :)

I look forward to reading more stories from you.

BTW- Why do you have TWO copies posted of the same story?

Delete the other one, the one with only 1 comment from ME! :)
2013-10-24 17:16:48 Asuka's Lesson_(1) i liked what I could read BUT ....

You have all the elements of a very good story but your paragraphs are WAY too large... which makes it hard to read and keep track of where in the story you are.

If you can have someone you trust, to read this .... you may get feed back that mirrors my own. I am not trying to put you down, as I said, I liked what little I did read... and I look forward to reading a revised, cleaned Up version.
2013-10-26 19:43:21 SEEPING IN MY THROAT This reads like another story I've read before... Did you repost a cleaned up version of this and didn't delete the old version? Or did you copy someone else's story?