Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2013-12-30 20:09:31 Persuading the Girl Next Door 2 This was better than the first.. keep going :)
2013-12-30 20:14:22 Persuading the Girl Next Door 3 Good Story... too bad there was no more mind control. Where is part 4? :)
2014-01-27 18:58:54 A sleep surprise by my aunts house I agree, a Really good story but it could have been GREATER if you didn't make the reader (ME?) work so hard to follow your sentences... more "White" space would have helped. Write more... especially if there are more parts to be added to this story :)
2014-08-15 02:25:23 Fun in bed with sleeping younger sister Really good story. You deserve praise for getting around the age restrictions by not stating yiur characters' ages. That is best left to the readers imagination! :)

I hope to see more from you, perhaps even a few additional parts to this story?
2014-01-06 19:28:23 Handjob rewards_(0) Good story! and well organized. with good plot development (and story NOT Rushed to get to sex!) ... lets see a second chapter :)