Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2014-09-02 01:37:08 A guy and his....?(8)Return Home I liked this story.. And always log on before posting comments to ensure the authors know who is co's views they are seeing.

The problem is that this site does not seem to have persistant cookies, so when I log into the forums then cone to see and read new stories, the cookies aren't retained from previoys sessions or from one side of the sight to the other.
2014-03-20 04:10:05 Nicole, Myself and Rachel I really enjoyed your story...first one of yours that I've read. I hope there will be many more in the future.
2014-05-07 16:01:13 A Family Secret or a Family Full of Secrets Excellent story.. i could easily believe the mother's anguish was happening to a real person, and by extension, that the rest of the story was true to life.

I'd love to see a second or third chapter :)
2014-03-20 03:47:38 Anal Vacation Dude, you have some good ideas. What yourself in how quickly you go from act to act...sometimes your story feels rushed - there were places you could have spent more time describing what the characters were doing to each other, thereby building up the tension-"HOTness" of the story.

Keep writing, and you'll get what I mean. These characters deserve at least another chapter/adventure. Maybe your characters have more to teach this little girl...I know I would, but with patience and she can learn to enjoy doing those acts on her own.
2014-07-28 16:34:46 Gone to the Dogs (pt.2) Rewritten I liked your ideas, and although I thought the comments about your writing were a bit exaggerated - As I read your story, I could see the problem wasn't in your writing but in your proof-reading.

Sentences like "I thought penis like that was only in the movies." - Could have been easily fixed if you'd re-read this story a few times.

Someone pointed out "A wall of Text" - And they were quite right, you need to put in at least one or two blank lines here and there - At least one Blank line between paragraphs and TWO blank lines between Chapters.

I didn't intend to sound like a teacher but before you post another story you may want to take a long time in proof-reading it before you dare post. Try printing a hard copy so you can see it without being distracted by the use of monitor.

You had a really good story... don't let your work be remembered for the mistakes rather than the story.