Comments from Brootforce

Date Story title Comment
2013-01-30 19:47:33 Returning Chapter 01 Don't you just love trolls? To the Anonymous reader who posted on 2013-01-30 12:28:18. If you are not going to give examples of your complaints you are not helpful.
To those who have given examples Thank you, this is how people learn.
For all posting that they like the stories these are the people I am trying to write for and thank you for reading them, I am glad I have entertained and I consider it an honor that you have given me your thanks.
This story is far from over and I intend to follow it through to the end.
2013-02-02 00:45:08 I am not sure if I mentioned another story in the tent I did mention that he expanded the roof up.

As for the story yes I have every intention of taking this one to the end and have other stories in mind. My current outline for this story has 20 chapters to it.

I was worried that the beginning would be a bit slow and am glad people are enjoying the story.

Tonight I am trying to finish chapter 8, I have had trouble getting around a time crunch.
2013-02-06 19:45:02 I wanted to comment and let everyone know I am writing chapter 10.

My boss at work thinks 12 hour days are more important than art. The ad an hour and half drive one way to work and then again back home. This leaves Brootforce a very tired troll.

I will try and get it to my proofreader tonight and out tomorrow.

2013-02-11 17:16:00 Yes I am writing more to this one I am trying to get chapter twelve up tonight and will continue this story out to chapter twenty.

I already have plans to write some other tales of Rhys' Earth including a Myka tale and one a few generations down the line.
2013-02-12 05:28:57 Chapter 12 is with my proofreader and should be up later today. It has been hectic around here and I do apologize for the delays lately.