Comments from Brootforce

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-01 05:03:02 Breeding Stock Thank you.
2013-05-09 20:54:15 Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift I was offered a book deal for the story, it was good enough I could not pass it up. The first book will be available 5/30/2013 as "The Return part 1"

These stories will be episodal in nature, so they will each be separate and too short for a book.
2013-05-19 12:59:33 Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift I accept your opinion but will try and explain the rule as best I can.

The rule is in place to try and forestall what is called cabin fever. There are only 100 people on the ship and they are going to be the only human contact they have for 20 years. People are not normally forced to go deep. this crew was put together by a vengful admiral. If a couple cannot live with the rule they just don't apply to go deep.

Constant and varied interaction is needed to keep people from going crazy in a cabin fever situation. But forcing someone to do something that is repugnant to their personality has just the opposite effect. Most people are not repulsed by having sex, many are by the thought of having it with the same gender. The freedom of interaction the rule allows makes the crew tighter knit. Hence the joke later in the story when the captain tells Jazz Hands he has not had relief and is looking for his wife.

Feel free to discuss this in PM with me if you would like.
2014-06-15 16:24:32 Saving Mouse - Chapters 1 - 4 - Preview of book I am working on Mouse II as well as some other novels. I have two books that should be available by next month.

"Merc" and "For Love of a God"
2013-06-03 09:49:36 Ticonderoga – Episode 2: Derelict I will be more than happy to keep you updated when new chapters come out, Snow.

As for the grammatical errors, I will be sending future episodes to my proofreader.

Now an explanation of how...

I was planning on dropping this into the next episode but I will fire it off here.