Comments from Brootforce

Date Story title Comment
2013-02-12 23:10:16 The next chapter will not make it up tonight, I am sorry. My proofreader has not finished reading it and I have to be up at four in the morning for work. I will try and get it posted in the morning before I leave.

2013-02-16 13:32:19 I am writing chapter 13 today and will try and have it up tomorrow.
2013-02-18 17:56:00 I wish the people that give negative votes would at least have the courtesy to say why. :(
2013-02-18 22:24:39 I feel a little bad posting this so please take it easy on me.

I have been offered a book deal for this story and am going to ask for all but the first two chapters to be deleted. The story is going to made into four books and will be available in E-book and Paperback form.

You can find both for sale on in late March or early April according to the publisher
2014-12-11 13:00:39 Returning Chapter 03 My books as listed.

The Return I by Sean M. Campbell
The Return II & III (double book.) By Sean M. Campbell
Saving Mouse By Sean M. Campbell
The Kinky Path By Sean M. Campbell

Merc (non erotic) by S M Campbell