Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-16 16:57:46 Mistletoe and Holly A well written tale of life as it really is today. Please continue on with this tale ?? (He comes to live with them, his fathers OK with that since his new girlfriend/wife doesn't want him around , his twin goes on the pill, etc). Please don't stop now !! Thank you !!!
2015-12-17 19:39:59 Asian Dream 1 (revised) A VERY GOOD short story. More please 111
2015-12-19 20:20:01 The Island PT-1 Aboard the SERENA Very enjoyable tale. I look forward to future chapters. Thank you !!
2015-12-21 19:08:39 What am I going to do with her? Wonderful happy tale. Maybe next chapter a threesome with the cleaning lady ???? Thank you !!!
2015-12-21 19:08:57 What am I going to do with her? Wonderful happy tale. Maybe next chapter a threesome with the cleaning lady ???? Thank you !!!