Comments from JohnThomas63118

Date Story title Comment
2014-11-15 23:01:55 Polyjuice potion and the squib part 5 brittney joins in Good story, keep it going.
2014-01-29 17:03:32 Angie I agree very good story with hope of more to come. Davids and Kays relationship is going good and the fact Kay say she gives her blessing does kind of removes the cheating out but cheating is more than just lying it also how one may feel. David may still feel like he cheating on Kay even with her blessing.
Oh what an imagination I have sorry reading the suntan lotion portion Angie completely topless with three men and four women in the room i was thinking a great way to lead up to a full blown orgy soon. LOL write how you like but hope you don't mind that my imagination goes places you have not plan for your story.
2013-09-21 13:40:38 Damn My Sons Cock Is Huge; Part Three love it keep it up, but but proofread your work. Lydia calls Rita "aunt Kim" then the next line call aunt Rita again. Have not read past this yet hope Tanya finds Lydia doing both Jeremy and Kyle, and have Tera walk up behind her and start eating her out. leading to all six of them having a full out orgy.
2013-09-24 10:59:26 An Ebony Wife's first step to sluthood part: 2 oh my, that was good. I want to let you know that I will be waiting for your next story.
2013-09-30 15:09:43 My Photogenic Mom Chapter 14 I just read all of you 14 chapter of this story. I enjoyed it for the content I had a lot of trouble following it. please re-edit or allow some one to and re-post. If you wish I would be more than happy too. I will not do it without your direct permission so do worry. I would like you continue though it is a very interesting series. Oh how much fun it could turn out Susan and Kathy could easily set up Mr Thompson with Micheal help freeing both of them from their failed marriages. Harold could find Micheal pictures and blackmail Susan back. Karen could realize that the genital loving of Harold is good but soon realize the near rape that Micheal did is pulling her down a dark way. There many way to continue but this ending leave a lot of to wander about. you have great raw talent work on it have fun but remember that if you want an audience make easier for the to read. PS I know I have a lot of room to talk I realize that I also did similar things now I am working on it.