Comments from Hawkrider

Date Story title Comment
2015-07-15 13:55:43 It's A Good Day to Die Chapter 1 Hey all what's up? I know it's been a drag out on the comments some voicing their opinions. While other's are supporting the story. It's like that old saying " You can't please everyone half the time". Well I am not trying to please everyone just those that enjoy an story with a plot. Yes I know my writing style is of betrayal, cheating, hurt, then a happy ending, but that is what I feel to write. It's like a supportive friend stated " Would you have some of the main writers change theirs when they are comfortable writing the way they do". No I would not as it is their way of writing. It's like telling a singer to start a cooking show, or telling mechanic to do carpentry ( Although I am sure some does but any who), I am not going to change the way I write, but I will get better then I am. I have a great friend helping me by editing and proofreading besides encouraging me like another great friend that is a writer on this site. To those that have been there from the very start........
2015-07-15 14:05:08 It's A Good Day to Die Chapter 1 (Con't) Supported my stories thank you. Those that have not well sorry they disappoint you as I am just trying to do my best. I will never quit what has become a hobby to me. But when a writer post he has a few options that he or she can chose from. Which I have been thinking about doing for now on. I hope those that have stuck to enjoying the stories I post stay watching for more to entertain them when they need a another good read. As for this story it will be the next one after A Family Betrayal. Thanks to the supporters for them it is whom I write for to put a smile on their face, or get their blood pumping for the next chapter. As one wrestler said for years " Have a nice day" As always Peace and keep watching out for my next story post.....Hawk
2015-07-24 20:19:25 On the Ocean Very nicely done.
2015-08-04 09:04:28 Saving Sophie Very nice start has potential keep it up
2015-08-04 09:05:38 Never Look Back_(2) Very nice.