Comments from Hawkrider

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-05 19:15:27 A Family Betrayal Chapter 8 I was scared to write at one time but a fellow writer encouraged me to write but if you want pm me and we will talk. i will help all i can to help a story to be read. And as to this story its long from being over lol
2015-04-06 03:43:27 A Family Betrayal Chapter 8 Agrees with Ghost look at my stories lol
2015-04-08 18:14:41 Dahlia and Darren Very nice story
2015-04-11 16:25:28 A Family Betrayal Chapter 10 Thanks Ghost and Wags and the other reader. Yes this story is going to get very interesting from this point on. One might say what has been written so far is the calm before the storm. As for Jack getting with Nicole well one never knows lol. Again thanks for being supportive of this story for I think its my best series yet and no where close of being done because after the next two chapters that are already done Heaths life will change again....peace to everyone ....Hawk
2015-04-11 17:55:41 A Family Betrayal Chapter 10 Um no its not going to change like that man. His life just going to change for the better with those behind around him. sorry if i made you think of the worst