Comments from Hawkrider

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-07 02:16:52 Truths and Betrayals of a Young Man's Heart Chapter 10 Final Nick is a stranger that road into town on his bike
2014-11-06 02:48:53 A Family At Odds Chapter 4 Wow, ok hmm will like I commented before everyone has there opinions. This chapter was about Love being tested. And for Savannah's decision she made in the last two chapters to come about this chapter had to be done like it was. The surprises that show in up coming chapters. Never count Nick and Savannah's love out just yet. Those that like my stories keep reading, those that don't my bad just writing what I feel that will keep things interesting......have a nice day peace.....Hawk
2015-09-02 07:35:42 Kylie and Adams surprise. "Kylie's mom?!" Not bad story. All I have to say is could of had a lead up to the threesome. But nice plot. Will look for next chapter if you keep it going. Has a lot of promise.
2014-09-25 10:33:50 Truths and Betrayals of a Young Man's Heart Chapter 1 I plan too , making sure chapter 2 sets the pace
2014-12-13 10:15:12 Hot Box Great start in my opinion. Can't wait to see where things go