Comments from Hawkrider

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-08 09:13:28 A Sisters Bond Very nicely written and touching.
2015-03-02 02:59:09 Mommy's Love Denied 5 I say he ties Ryan up while taking his own mother in front of Ryan. then after he does. he goes up to Ryan with a gun to Ryans head and pulls the trigger in frontof a satisfied mother who has a smile on her face from her sons big dick.
2015-03-25 21:48:54 A Family Betrayal Chapter 4 And who do you think the person is that is sending the letters is Ghost? As to it is was mentoed by someone in his past to be cunning and ruthless.
2015-03-16 05:14:22 A Family Betrayal Chapter 1 Hmm looks at my screen, Yep I'm writing got 5 pages down and still at it. I would like to thank all the positive comments and positive ratings. And to say there going to be several chapters so watch out for them. Thanks again
2015-03-28 18:55:20 A Family Betrayal Chapter 5 Thanks Ghost I intend to keep the story going. As to the comment on the confrontations well which one you talking about as there are 3 sides. As to the comment of sex well it's coming up as in a build up for Heath and well the one that heals his heart. Just stay tuned for this story has a plot also. Thanks for the nice comments and I hope everyone keeps enjoying the story