Comments from Viewer1060

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-26 22:59:08 Don't Change - Chapter 2 If our Hero does get the alien girl pregnant, then does it mean we have a common ancestor ?
2015-01-26 23:10:19 Glorified Innocence - Chapter 1 A very sweet & cute story of the first kiss.
2015-01-26 23:32:54 Accidental Daddy - Chapter 2 " quick care together " The business name is usually capitalized. Quick Care. I missed it and had to read back to where this odd couple was walking near 7:00 A.M.I am not a morning person so just for me it was bizarre.
2015-01-31 04:50:36 Deneuralized Pussy III: The Pizza Girls First Time The formatting, paragraph spacing is all very confusing. You need an editor. Like saying you need an auto mechanic.
2015-01-27 02:56:38 Birthday Present_(3) Maybe your story was produced on a smart phone? The format is appalling and confusing. Where did a paragraph begin and end ? Some writers use PART 1 etc with spacing to give order & flow to their story. Did you work from an outline ?