Comments from Viewer1060
Date | Story title | Comment |
2015-01-16 05:06:46 | Susie-Lea, Chapt 1 | 40 year old male and a Jr. High girl ? Seems like a joke or mismatch. The maturity levels are far , far apart. |
2015-01-17 00:40:58 | Linda's discovery PART2 | For some reason, at that moment all that I could think of was "I wonder what Annie will think when I tell her about this? What a story. What a page turner. It felt real with real people. and even real love under the lust. Thus 5 Gold Stars are awarded. |
2015-01-17 00:53:49 | Staying in Love | " And sometimes the best date nights come from staying in. " Yes, certainly if Fate & Destiny had rewarded you with a true and faithful love. Some of us were not so blessed. |
2015-01-17 02:46:42 | The Mission_(0) | Why the odd paragraph formatting. Did you use a smart phone ? |
2015-01-17 08:33:07 | Adam Comes to Visit | " goets me off with his magical tongue " Do you use a Spell Checker ? Next like others have said Proof Read it. It is better for a friend to Proof Read. If you were seeking to get published then your agent would correct ,revise.Then if very lucky, your Editor would mark up your story. To add variety move the party to the backyard swimming pool. |