Comments from Viewer1060

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-13 00:25:00 A Sister Scorned Hi, this is a wonderful poetic line of yours "soft cloud of black curls that covered ". From that partial sentence I thought Gaye has black hair on her head. Is it shoulder length, does she wear bangs or glasses? Gayle is on very hot chick. You are a creative and great writer.Thank you.
2015-01-13 00:43:15 My Fluffy Sister Hi, " At 19 years old she is a hefty girl, cute, bordering on pretty with deep brown eyes and thick brown hair; her narrow nose points straight over full rose tinted lips, her cheerfully rounded cheeks produce deep dimples when she smiles. Great writing, great description. In jest, does she have an unmarried sweet female cousin ?
2015-01-13 01:04:06 The House Wife Chronicles I read your first story it was a bit hard for me. In life my ex-wife cheated twice with me on our street. Not strangers. As to writing, if a friend could proof read your next story. Please follow your Muse.
2015-01-13 01:52:23 My naked doppelganger (part 1) Great idea of a parallel universe. Only once in this reality did I see an open Portal It was very beautiful yet deathly quiet. Ahead where moments before was a 4 lane major atrial now a flower garden. I did not cross.
2015-01-13 02:32:12 A satisfying abduction Any civilization so advanced to travel via Worm Holes to their home galaxy, could also purge the hero's genetic defects or problems such as Color Blindness, Diabetes, etc.