Comments from Viewer1060

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-11 04:07:14 The Guilt Will Kill You A wonderful caring emotional story. I have read stories here and this is the first of such emotional depth. At the early mid point I felt Lisa was stuck in the past. Yet a miracle occurred and Lisa has a first new male lover in several years. How Red fits in with this new couple was left unanswered. The story is complete. Thank you.
2015-01-11 05:08:40 Not According to Plan Great surprise ending. A bit of a shock. I could have over identified with the hero, Brad. This is all to the credit to the Writer. Thank you very very much. I second wiltonboys request for a foll on story.
2015-01-11 05:13:40 Pin-up Girl A very romantic and sweat story. Thank you.
2015-01-11 05:23:31 Pine Trees " Will you marry me ". In the hundreds of storys that iI have read here, this first time I have read those immortal words. A very rare romantic story.
2015-01-11 06:02:37 Snow Globe Still the best story teller. Love and sensitivity your trademark. You must be a genuinely nice man, Here, Here