Comments from Viewer1060

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-31 04:42:21 Deneuralized Pussy II: Fresh toppings Erotic Yahoo posted this story May 18, 2005. More than 10 years later I read it. Maybe you are married with a hot wife and nice kids ? Peace
2015-01-27 03:34:13 My Red haired beauty After she left I was heartbroken – I had nobody to fuck and I wanked at least twice a day.

This could have been expanded. Loss can lead to difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, hard to focus on school, and more.
2015-01-27 03:56:14 She wasa prick teaser I thought " Tracy and I were lovers and partners for over a year and every one of our friends knew it. We fucked like rabbits." There is a pattern with many writers 70 % of the story is about seduction. Rare to mention any ongoing relationship. Said another way this story was Not a Happy Ending for Tracy, the hot red head, and you. I let my high school red head slip away. I miss her.
2015-01-31 04:28:45 Deneuralized Pussy Orange Beach, AL I never visited. Even if the girls are mind controlled sex slaves, they need to eat more than com.

" with sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes," Thank you some writers skip eye & hair color.
2015-01-27 04:48:46 Pantie mom This well liked story with 40 Votes on Jan 26, 2015. This remarkable story was posted only on Jan 15, 2015. It is the writer's only second posting. Read by 120, 873 humans.