Comments from alandee

Date Story title Comment
2019-06-26 04:23:41 What a Photo Reveals It's always great to see the underdog win. Better then the movie Rudy, but that might be because this story had sex in it.
2019-07-03 04:31:30 Repaying my cheating Husband_(1) It starts sounding ridiculous after the first 4 or 5 times that they call one another brother-in-law and sister-in-law. You made the point after the introductions so i'm not sure why you continued to repeat it over and over again. No one talks to one another like that. I had to quit reading.
2019-07-16 04:23:40 The Kiss Part # 2 I get that it's always nice to have feedback especially when it's positive but you asking every time actually comes across as needy. Enjoy the success of your stories and if you enjoy writing keep doing that too but quit constantly asking for approval. Just my personal opinion, nothing less, nothing more.
2019-07-16 07:07:21 Hole In The Wall_(1) He's in college and his parents still have him going to bed early when he's in school????
2019-07-16 07:19:55 My Daughter's Friend Natalia Part # 1 & # 2 Why would a girl in at least grade 10 be hanging out with a girl who would have just finished grade 6, especially on the first day of summer vacation? BTW, school finishes at the end of June. I was planning on reading the rest but I think I will pass