Comments from evebroughtanaxthistime

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-19 12:57:37 Innocence Enslaved Chapter 2: What Comes After Almost...almost...oh doG, this is so goooood..., aa..a..ah, almost, oh fuck me, almost... (*)...(?)....nooooooooooooo!
It's okay. You're forgiven, because I know you're already sitting down, writing another insanely arousing chunk of serious smut like only you can. But seriously - that was so gooooood...!
2016-10-02 19:34:59 Deployment Fantasy No, no, that's no good. Not the piggies! They don't appreciate anything, not even a good show. And that was a good show! So how much of the story was true? Hopefully they took into account that you swept the put-put course while evaluating the mess in the toilet. And that they got the show of the century when they weren't supposed to be watching! You did make it past the put-put course...? Brilliant story!
2017-03-12 13:06:58 Taking Care of Gwen_(2) Very well written with a solid erotic focus. But Hey! 200 measly...that piece of rubbish is a joke! Oh - forgot to subtract 50 for miscellaneous...150...papyrus! What - a dollar for each thrust? Doesn't he know the cost of hymen nowadays? His debt could be thousands. The stupid fuck. What if she turns out to be one of those chicks who nurses the holy skin trap in order to sell it on a heavy-weight syndicate auction! Crap - what if some Mexican dru...Cacao lord has been waiting 5 years to bid on her vagina? Or the guy who owns Coca-Cola...(oops, forgot his money-bracket) dude who owns a stall selling Coca-Cola? He'll b forced to buy shares - everyone knows soft-drinks are to be banned soon! The wife will leave 'cause he's an idiot - he'll have to explain the shares - she'll walk anyways. He'll only see the kids every day, as she can't schlep them to the Bahamas. It really bites being cheap-skate. And I need sleep. Shot for story. And another reason for 40 pushups. I relish being angry
2017-03-09 22:08:09 the surprize_(0) Have money. Will pay. You don't perhaps have an extra card?
Yummy story. Thanks. It put a huge smile on my face.
2017-10-02 10:59:09 The Serial Rapist - Asian Delinquency Part 3 Hehe...Lewis has a girlfriend.
Anna and Lewis sitting in a tree -s.o.d.o.m.y.Sodomy!
Shot for story! Bonus - I skipped the first chapters - going to go read them now.