Comments from evebroughtanaxthistime
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-10-23 21:05:25 | House Party_(0) | Geez, you seem to have a few nasty sluts staying in your vicinity! I hope you still have that last slag's name and number. Spread it amongst all the women you know and even send it to a few brothels, just for good measure. Tell them about his general attitude towards those kind enough to share their body with him. Let him join the ranks of those who can't get a fuck, even in a whore-house. Thanks for story! Hope your luck doesn't get it up the arse anymore and you've met some actual men. |
2016-10-24 03:38:03 | Adriana and the Werewolf | Well, time to load the old tranquilizer-gun. Gonna snatch me one of them were-dog things. You think they're protected species or something? Better take one of 'em oil-sheets to hide it on the back of the truck. With what they fine for an itsy bitsy abalone, a big thing like that... Brilliant and disturbingly romantic (picking a tear). Thank you so much (now openly crying). It was greatly appreciated. I see there's more stories. You're gonna kill me. |
2016-12-12 00:59:19 | "Mistaken Identity" | Hahahaha! Well written! |
2016-08-30 04:04:14 | Spring Break Broke My Heart | Wow! Firstly, thanks for this awesomely written piece! It formed itself clear as daylight in my head and will be banging against its sides for some time to come. Poor girl. She was never even his girlfriend! She warned him she'd only fuck to get the most debilitating stress off. Using him for that would have been the cruelest thing ever, although she obviously wanted him. And he did run away when granted a huge chance. Some friend. He should have taken her out of danger after knowing about the first drink - his slag father has an 'invitations only' room, for crying out loud! His poor mother, to be married to that skank! Jesus, what a slag, to even use her t-shirt to clean his disease-spreader after the rape! (The sex-scene was sexy though.) |
2016-08-30 01:49:10 | THE JOB INTERVIEW_(2) | "...where all men belong. Now get on your knees!" He hehe. I'm framing this story. |