Comments from evebroughtanaxthistime

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-11 20:21:11 Trafficked Love Ch. 20 Eeeeeeeek! Just know you made a fan very happy by doing the return thing. Oh, so very happy. And I love the way you've yanked the story's head into the oncoming storm. You can give us sleet, you can give us thunder, you can't go wrong, I know it will be good. Thanx again!
2016-05-22 04:40:32 A Fantasy Too Far Chapter 1 Most probably a good thing she wasn't into snuff.
Well written.
I wonder if it's possible. Well, throw an idea into a roomful of people and anything is.
Shot for story.
2016-08-06 00:48:27 My Wedding night_(1) Cool birthday present. And neither of them will have a problem remembering their wedding-day anniversary. Shot for story!
2015-04-14 21:30:24 The Man of Sin: Chapter 4_(2) Dude, if I turn to devilworship, I'mgonna come kick your ass. Oh nevermind, -will be back now- the gremlins are squeeling to be let outside again.
Shot for the chapter! Xavier is so romantic, pulling on her ropes like that.
You're real good at creating sympathy for Lily though. Is there a reason behind her name containing only one 'l'? If I had my way, Xavier would fall into a tub of holy water by accident and the side-effects would be him falling in love with both girls.
2015-04-15 02:57:02 My Demon Prince Chapter 6 Mother Ok you are never going to get this, cause you've been gone for bloody ever. Summon? Uhm, -I'm too friggin' lazy and will probably get it twisted up.
Your work was a shitstorm to get through. Literally. I'm the last one able to complain, so I'm not moaning. Actually very grateful you posted it. Some of the contradictions evened out and some didn't. In the end I got most of the story, with only one or two of the described situations still unfathomable. The story is really weird and standard at the same time. Ok, more extraordinary.
I really hope this is what happened, because then the story has a happy ending, with the conclusion that he really loves her and they are to be together forever, etc. Did the demon put chemicals in the fruit he gave her, in order for the baby to abort? If this is what has been implied, you are forgiven all the frustrating oopses in the story-line, cause I'm gonna be walking around smiling, enveloped in a blanket of oooooh.