Comments from MartinJD
Date | Story title | Comment |
2008-04-26 09:23:03 | Naked daughter 2 | Good Story (my browser does not suppor AJAX). |
2008-04-26 10:56:36 | Good Story (no AJAX, here). The "mind control program" seems to be a little far-fetched. Straight hypnotic-suggestion, however, would not likely be part of an 18 yr.olds skill-set. Hmm. |
2008-09-01 05:44:41 | Widow Neighbor - Revisited | No Ajax (on palm treo's browser). Awesome finish! |
2009-01-20 03:40:24 | Blazer (my web-browser) "doesn't support ajax" so I'll leave a positive report this way (in words). | |
2010-04-23 18:38:55 | Would fantasy of being a beast be called beastiality? Wow. That was incestuous, too! Furre. Hmm... |