Comments from MartinJD

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-03 21:28:38 Lindsay's Dirty Secrets Awesome tale. (Please check for typo's more carefully.) Neat part one. 8-D
2012-09-07 10:52:51 Spring Break Broke My Heart Rutger5 / R5, I've read your writing previously.. and this tales realism is fabulous! Your character expresses himself very well.. I trust he will be wise enough to realize is rarely gotten. I'll say no more. We await part two.
2012-09-08 12:35:59 THE MOON STONE, Part 2 Excellent. I intend to spread rumors of 'your words'...
2012-11-10 04:48:46 THE MOON STONE, part 3 (THREE) Yes, I am finding this tale quite enjoyable. [Sorry, I have been quite busy and therefore short of 'reading time'.]
Having skimmed the others' commentary, I only say, "Well, yeah."
2015-03-30 15:07:25 Scott Gets His Cougar Neighbor Do get a proof-reader because presention matters.