Comments from MasterTtrianglelord

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-05 12:34:16 Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 28-35 Very good and interesting story. However, and I know you can't really change it now, do a little research. The purpose of "the pill" is to prevent ovulation. The ONLY reason for rubbers when on the pill is if you are fucking multiple people, and you do not know if they are STD free. While true that you need to use other protection if you have JUST STARTED the pill, once on it, and if faithfully taking it, you don't need rubbers.

Your story is a great work, and you paint your picture very well. Keep up the good work.
2015-09-10 15:18:17 Mom's Kids 4 Hey man - you were last on here 8/23/15, so where is Part 5, 6, 7, 8, and all the way to 100 if necessary? Come on and finish this story, or if you have and they are posted somewhere else, post them here! I love these multi chapter stories, but they have to have an ending. there is SOOOOOOOO much more that cen happen in this family. From the inevitable mother/son to mother.son.sister to daddy.daughter and then mom and dad discovering that THEY can have an awesome sex life form themselves, to all 4 having a great time together. How about it? MORE! You are a very good writer. I have been reading porn for 50 years, and you are very good.
2015-09-13 23:53:23 Ellie's can't stop This story is so FUCKING stypid. She shoves her bra up her ass? She fucks her ass with her phone? Take break from this profession and go into something else.
2015-10-01 18:44:13 An Incest Birthday Chapter 34 I hope that you are going to write more telling of the move to Seattle and the start of life there for Rita, Randy, Chris and Stephanie. I think you said that there was still ONE more chapter to this story, and, as another commentator said, that then you start a Rita and Randy Series from there. I love these long, involved and intricate multi-chapter stories, as evidenced by the number of them I have "faved". Keep the good work going!
2015-09-29 12:27:42 Fishing Trip_(0) Very nice story. Visually, I imagined myself as Dad, and my daughter as the daughter. If the opportunity ever presented itself, I would take her as often as I could. Keep the stories cumming!