Comments from MasterTtrianglelord

Date Story title Comment
2016-12-08 16:05:07 Incestuous Harem 8: Mom's Soapy Tits Zoey obviously wants a cock. She tried to seduce her father, who apparently turned her down. Clint will give her what she wants, and make her HIS. She will struggle and resist, but deep down she desires this, and then will give herself FREELY in the end. She also obviously likes pussy. She will have all the cunt she wants to eat, and get eaten BY, from her Mother, Aunt, Sister and her 1/2 sisters. I am not sure about involving outside people, because of the risk of being exposed to "the law", and if ANYONE gets knocked up, it should be 4 girls - Melody (obviously), Alicia ( as the Princess), Mom and Aunt. As to a comment about Dad having some secret as to not getting mom and aunt pregnant more, it was already revealed that Dad had a vasectomy after the 5th one was born.
2016-11-16 16:57:40 Drunken Love You, at the least, owe a conclusion to the "Goodnight Samantha" series. You leave us hanging with the thought that she will trick whomever is molesting her in the night, so she can catch them in the act. You need to return there, have her use her webcam to record the evenings activities, and then make both dad and son her SLAVES. Either threaten to tell her mom AND the authorities, or TELL mom and then the TWO of them become the Dominatrix's of the house, with both the males as their slaves.
2016-11-25 02:49:31 Incestuous Harem 6: Disciplining My Bratty Sis As someone else commented about 3 hours ago, by my count, Clint has cum 9 times by the end of this story, in just about 24 hours. This is a lot, but I recall, personally, that I dropped 18 loads in a girlfriends cunt and mouth in about a 48 hour period. She was sooo proud that she had sucked me and swallowed at least 10 of those loads. She was a slut, and would stroke me, play with her own cunt, even suck me while we were driving to places. She was truly a S L U T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-11 17:07:03 Life With Aunt Jess Pt 1 (Edited for Age Constraints) So far, an awesome story. I so much appreciate the buildup to, and the culmination of, the sex. So many stories on here are simple - guy pulls out cock, shoves into a pussy and cums, 6 paragraphs, and 4 orgasms in those 6 paragraphs. No actual story or love displayed between the participants. You have a very good thing going here. However, I can see the next sequence of events in my mind already, involving all the 4 main participants so far. I hope I am wrong. One more thing that I like, so far, is nobody has butt fucked yet. I know that almost evryone THINKS that everybody likes anal, but there are millions of us out there that just don't. I know, if I don't like it, don't read it. It is not exactly that, but in just about EVERY one of those stories, the guy pulls out and then shoves his cock down her throat. That is not something you do to someone you love. It is not only NASTY, it is totally non-hygenic. Fastest way to make someone you care so deeply about ill.
2016-11-03 11:29:47 Incestuous Harem 3: Sister's Anal Advice Chapter 4? Hurry, please.