Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2020-11-10 02:37:06 The Pyromaniac 2: A New Beginning Sick,,,,,Sick.....Sick.
2021-03-12 12:33:39 My Vietnamese Doll Pedophile.
2021-04-08 11:55:51 Rider of the storm 1 (Rewrite) Repost Lushes/drunks piss me off. Write about interesting people instead. Thanks.
2021-06-14 13:45:40 Temping 2 I liked the French stick, I s'pose it breaks up and leaves bits inside when it gets soggy.
2021-04-17 14:35:42 When My Dreams Came True. Chapter 4 and 5, This was a well written story, enjoyable to read , and most entertaining; and despite some grammatical and spelling errors, which did not detract from the reading,, was a story to remember.

Readers, please remember that the writer is not a professional wordsmith, he is justy a normal human that likes to sdpin a few words togetherf to entertain us, and mAybe himself.

Give him credit for wehat he has acheived; don't throw mud at him.