Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-06-16 16:57:51 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 7 Note to my readers. I have my stories and their accessibility in the form that I desire now. Sudden changes and disappearances will now cease.
2016-06-16 17:41:59 Sleeping Daughter 1: Wicked Wife's Plan This is a powerfully seductive story, well written.
2016-06-16 19:12:58 THE UNIT [Jimmy Benson Finale] Anon-reader: Generalsex. That is a good one. Possibly the moniker passed around by his many admirers and especially by his non-admirers. Thank you for sharing.
2016-06-16 19:56:18 FIXIT GIRL Well, I see the pattern now. Have seen it before. It is really laughable, if you think about it. As soon as most of my stories that reach up on the first page with a high rating %, usually four raters make sure to downgrade it. Maybe they deserve the negative votes. My stories are not above criticism. But, maybe it is just jealousy or spite. Maybe it is an attempt to teach me some kind of lesson, since I have made a number of maneuvers to try to stop trolling on my story comments sections. Doesn't matter. Anyway I am done adjusting things, so even that may settle down.
2016-06-16 20:37:08 The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 1: The MILF Patient I loved it!!