Comments from James Dylan Dean
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-06-09 22:48:22 | AT THE MOVIES_(1) | To Anon 06-08: I reposted for the reason that I stated. The acceptance level on my stoires is pretty much the same as the original entries, though a few are higher and some are lower, but about the same average rating. Your criticism is honestly and respectfully offered, and I accept that, although it is misdirected in this case. I love my stories and they are presented as well as I am able with my limited experience at writing. If you are such an expert, why don't you list your name with your comments, so that I can check out your much more exalted work? You definitely lose my respect on that part. I feel that those that have legitimate questions or criticism would list their names and not hide who they are. I am not paid for the posting of my work and will manage it as I see fit and as the site allows. Your anonymous criticisms are not important to me. |
2016-06-09 22:52:14 | AT THE MOVIES_(1) | Anon 06-09: The solution to your frustratin is quite simple, my handle here is James Dylan Dean, avoid any of my work like the death. As I mentioned to the other person below, I wrote these stories and will manage them on this site as I see fit, within the guidelines of the site. Tough Shit if you don't like it, asshole! |
2016-06-10 16:29:47 | THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 3_(0) | They will all be back soon with adjustments in accessibility due to trolling and snarky comments by persons hiding behind the bush of anonymity. My stories are not above criticism, but I believe that a person that goes to the trouble of writing and submitting stories to this site should get at least minimal respect for their effort, and the stories should deserve honest and up-building criticism. Some here seem to think that that is beyond their means to deliver. So I will help them to avoid irritating me and embarrassing themselves. |
2016-11-20 05:26:09 | THE BREAK UP_(0) | Thank you for the positive comment. My stories tend to be not as smutty as many on this site. Not that I don't enjoy smutty, too. But, I try to touch the dark corners of sexual interplay in my efforts, and each of my stories is quite different from the rest. I have posted more than fifty stories on this site, but I remove them when they start to attract only trolls, or they are being hardly read. |
2016-06-10 20:00:14 | THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 3_(0) | Bravely spoken, jerk! Why don't you grow a pair yourself and reveal who you are , at least on this site? Speak bravely, but show your cowardice Now I will close off this story also.. |