Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-28 17:43:23 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 3_(1) Anonymous reader 05-28- Good catch. I don't know how that happened , but will investigate. My screw-up.
2016-05-28 19:06:58 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 4 FYI: I had mistakenly reposted #2 again as #3. I have a corrected #3 offered on the site and am awaiting for it to be posted. Sorry for the confusion.
2016-11-04 01:42:52 AN OPEN LETTER TO GOD Have you ever read Revelations? He doesn't love everyone. He is coming to destroy the unrighteous. I happen to be one of them. Unless you are actively and faithfully serving God thru Christ, you will be also. Maybe as I asked them, there will be a place for us who don't measure up to all of the rules that he insists on.
2016-11-01 13:27:34 AN OPEN LETTER TO GOD Anon. Reader-Thank you for sharing your positive view. However, I am 72 with many years of Bible study and service experience to his name and the name of his son. My impression of him is that he is a God of Benign neglect, but with big things awaiting in the future. I don't expect him to violate his stated mandates and forgive me of my chosen deflections. However, I hope that you get what you are praying for. I always hope for the best for others.
2016-05-30 00:00:34 Hannah_(2) At least he is not wasting his time here! Jolly Good Show, Blighter.