Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-10 11:35:20 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON_(0) This is the promised next episode from my book, first posting of which on this site was Prom Surprise. More episodes to come.
2016-12-08 11:34:50 The Pill Ch. 2 Interesting weirdness. I wonder what animal the wife was based on? And what animal I would chose. Probably a Labrador Retriever. You know how women love their dogs! hehehehehe
2016-12-08 11:03:48 The Pill Ch. 1 Very creative. I like offbeat sexy stories that explore the dark corners of our sexual world.
2016-05-10 13:55:55 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON_(0) All of the stories about Jimmy are already written. They start with Prom Surprise and end with THE UNIT. But there are still several postings coming for the time in between. And girl/women trouble can grow exponentially completely without intention, as you probably already know, honored soldier. I was U.S.A.F. and that comes up in future postings.
2016-05-10 14:07:38 SPACE FLIGHT_(2) Artificial gravity is the key!