Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-09 14:30:05 PROM SURPRISE_(2) FYI: The further adventures of Jimmy Benson will be covered in a series of postings with the title: THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON. One has already been offered up for posting.
2016-05-09 20:44:27 THE JOB INTERVIEW_(4) Cool idea! I have other fish to fry, so hereby give my permission for others to continue this story line. Perhaps alternating in it as in a serial movie with different directors. I will be George Lucas and others can be the ones who followed from his original story line.
2016-05-10 03:43:50 MOM AND POP_(1) A person can read into the story anything that they want, but the purpose of the story was to examine the feelings and wreckage that threatens a marriage when one or both withdraws their intimate support of their marriage partner regardless of outside issues.
2016-12-08 08:01:09 WHAT IF #4 Sorry to hear that!! :-(
2016-05-10 11:29:20 CHINA DOLL_(2) What a dickhead, using my story to try to get a date. I have reported you.