Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-06 02:18:36 Caveworms This series of stories is my favorite of all on this forum. Mindbogglingly strange and kinky. I had a hardon for a week after reading it. Still get one when I return to it. I would give my left nut to be in that cave with those girls!!!
2016-05-06 03:00:09 CHINA DOLL_(2) TO: Two-Gun Kid- Well......Hmmmmm.......I guess it is as I wrote it. I have a business background and perhaps some of that culture has leaked into my story telling. Check out THE LADY BOSS for an example. Thank You for your interest.
2016-05-06 04:11:50 AMERICAN CZAR_(1) Somebody must have eaten a bad taco!!

And what the hell does DEFAULT mean?
2016-05-06 15:15:08 THE UNIT_(1) This is a reposting of this story here with a much better format. The previous posting had a 75% approval rating (6/2) and I hope that this posting will be easier to read.
2016-05-06 15:20:24 PROM SURPRISE_(2) This reposting corrects the formatting error of the previous version. It had 6819 reads and an 72.9% approval rating. (35/12)