Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2018-04-26 13:36:34 THE TRAVELERS Actually, I am in my seventies and have four years of college behind me and got excellent grades in high school and college writing courses. I was deemed Captain Comma, though for my prolific use of that punctuation. I have written twenty four books and in the forward of every single one of them pronounced that I profess no special knowledge on any subject historical nor scientific. And my stories are not written for their literature content. They are merely figments of my imagination, stories that I want to tell and I make no pretense over them at all. On this story I did no research at all since it is a fantasy, not a travelogue.
2016-05-26 01:38:24 PROM SURPRISE [Beginning of Jimmy's Story] Very perceptive of you!! This is a conversation based story, So almost everything has to be explained in the conversations. However, it should be noted that, most people don't talk this openly about sex, especially young girls.

So, this is necessary to the mode that I used. Sort of like a classic play. And if you liked the plot, you can follow it through THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY Benson 1-7 and the finale THE UNIT.
2016-05-19 17:45:05 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 7 I removed them because I was getting, after initial good reviews and positive votes, a flood of negative comments, a flood of negative votes and low additional reads. I complained to the site about posts that were in violation of their stated standards (like a couple of dickheads who posted their phone numbers for dates)on my stories) but the site rejected all of them. My stories and I are not above criticism, but I love my stories and don't need that kind of treatment, especially when I post them here for no financial return at all. If the site can't respect the authors and their stories, then ____ them. I posted these last stories in the Jimmy Benson arc because I said that I would. I keep my promises. Thank You for your positive and encouraging comments.
2016-05-23 23:04:13 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 7 TO Retired NCO: I warmly thank you for one of the most encouraging things that has ever been said to me. These stories were written from my heart. I felt for each of the characters, whether they were positive to Jimmy's life or not. Very few people are truly worthless or evil. But, many can be detrimental to our personal life, no matter how good a person they are, mostly due to different value systems and goals.
2016-05-23 23:06:10 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 7 Also, I posted the story THE UNIT which covers his life with Frieda several days ago and am waiting for it to pop up on the site.