2016-05-04 06:31:30 |
Author Here: I want to thank you, NortonX for your support and comments. Not only have they comforted me, but the acceptability of my efforts had drastically increased with your support. |
2016-05-04 15:31:28 |
Author: I have never heard that before in any info that I have been exposed to. I meant no offense at all. |
2016-05-04 17:48:00 |
The Project_(1)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: In response to Norton X and other well meaning critics of my work, I plan to fix the formatting of some of my stories and resubmit them> Thanks for the suggestions. And I wrote these stories in a flurry over 18 months two years ago. I love my stories and read them over and over again. I posted them to entertain others and to get some feedback. Mission accomplished! |
2016-05-04 22:55:36 |
AUTHOR HERE: Do you have a short attention span, perhaps. One definition of a 'short story' is: Just enough words to tell the story, no more!' I don't feel that I abused that definition in this story. Thank You for your interest.: |
2016-05-05 04:59:55 |
Pool Table
Very cool story. I found this story by searching under another handle, one of a specilal friend on the this site and a real encouragement to me about my work here. BTW, I think we might be contemporaries. I was born in '44 and married in '69 which is also my very favorite number. My favorite singers were Brenda Lee and Chuck Berry. |